Health Food Stores in Accra

Max Mart and Marina both have health food section. In Marina, I found many Bjorg products, especially a biolgical tofu. And we can find healthy household products and hygiene products in Palace. Among others, they sell the Kiss My Face and Seventh Generation products. They also store some organic food.

For more options, you can try these specialty shops or vendors:

Thrive Whole Foods

They import food products from the USA. You can call or whatsapp for orders or go directly to their shop in East Legon. I buy all my nuts (pecan, brazilian, almonds,…), dates, quinoa, chia seeds and there I found an organic whole wheat pastry flour (from Bob’s Red Mill).

Simply Healthy

Health products imported from the UK. Shop in Labone. And online shop as well.

Relish Health Foods

Shop in Osu with health foods, imported supplements and alternative medication.



European type breads: wholemeal, sour dough, brioche and many more. Call or whatsapp for orders.

The Gluten Free Bakers

Gluten free breads and cakes. Call or whatsapp for orders.



If you want to eat raw veggies in salads or with dips, it’s the place to order from. Their salads and herbs are freshly handpicked from their garden in Cantonments. Call or whatsapp for orders. They also have amazing cherry tomatoes and kale.

Sowgreen Organic Farms

I order to them all the local fruits and all the veggies I know I am going to eat cooked. Whatsapp for orders.

Farmers Market

Labone Green Market: every Saturday at the Labone Coffee Shop.

Sowgreen Farmer's market: every Saturday at the WEB Dubois Center