Good habits for an healthy life


  • Eat real and whole food rich in nutrients and fibre: lots of fresh vegetables (of all colours and especially leafy vegetables), moderate serving of high-quality protein, good fats and some fruits.

  • Avoid processed foods (avoid GMO foods, preservatives, food colorings and aromas) and sugar (even the artificial sweeteners). Limit or in some cases avoid dairy.

  • Drink lots of water: at least 1,5 of water, eventually herbal teas.

  • Respect your circadian rhythm: wait 1-2 hours before eating in the morning, avoid snacking, eat the last meal at least two hours before going to bed, don’t have any food intake during nighttime for at least 12 hours, preferably even 14 hours (intermittent fasting).

  • Avoid ingesting any unnecessary medicine, every time you can avoid antibiotics and NSAIDs. They are very damaging for your gut health.

If necessary (after work lab and discussion with a health practitioner), supplement to help your metabolism with vitamins (Vit. B and D), good fat and probiotics.

Physical activity

  • Exercise every week in 2 or 3 sessions, ideally at least 3 resistance training sessions and 1 cardiovascular session.

  • Walk at least 8'000 steps every day.


  • Prepare your room: no light, cool temperature. Switch off the wifi.

  • Get in a routine and in a schedule.

  • Respect your circadian rhythm: avoid caffeine after lunchtime, avoid blue light and food some hours before going to bed.

  • Aim for a 8-hour time in your bed so you sleep for at least 7 hours per night. The ideal night is between 7 and 9 hours long.

Strong mental and emotional health

  • Work on your emotional health:

    • have a positive and growing mindset

    • reduce stress, schedule downtime and me time

    • practice: meditation, mindfulness and gratitude

  • Find purpose and build connections.

    • have a strong community around yourself

    • spend most of your time doing purposeful and joyful actions that give you good reasons for living

  • Have healthy relationships with your family and friends.

    First published in November 2018
    Updated in April 2019

WellnessJessica Scilipoti